Welcome Humans

About Simpli Human by Savar

By subscribing today you join the elite few who acknowledge a fundamental truth about our world hiding in plain sight:

As humans, we’re all in this together, even if we don’t know what’s going on.
But we can figure it out as we go, and enhance the experience with technology.

About Me

I’m Savar (you can also call me Sav). I write to combine the two things I know best: Technology and the Human experience, colored by my personal experiences and thoughts.

I’m a Product Manager, Advisor, and Consultant - which is a flattering way to say I think all day and solve problems with technology for a living.

But in addition to that, I’m Creative, Empathetic, and Misunderstood - which is a wordy way to say I’m Human.

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Focus, Product, AI - Major changes impacting the way we human


Amateur creator, professional problem solver. Let's make good things happen http://savarsareen.com/